Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm melting

The sky was a deep, dramatic gray yesterday afternoon. Actually, it’s been deep, dramatic grays at some point every day this week. I’m enjoying the rain. It’s soothing and refreshing… the air is cooler, the sandy streets are muddier and the dripping on our metal roof is like music at night. Two days ago, Samuel and I were taking a Bajaj (tiny cart/taxis that are opened on the sides) through the city and a fellow Bajaj passing on the left side splashed a muddy title wave all over Samuel’s body! (Just 10 seconds earlier he was bragging about how dry he was sitting between me and another girl.. haha) We felt like we were on a rollercoaster, knowing the water is about to drench us, but the slow motion of it all made it feel surreal. Mmm.. rainy days..

Sunday morning in Church of Joy was spectacular! Samuel preached about Holy Spirit, our Best Friend and Helper. Men gathered at the stage for the alter call with tears sneaking down their cheeks, experiencing the peaceful yet powerful presence of God. I cried too. There’s no greater gift than to witness someone having an encounter with the Savior.

After the service, Samuel surprised me with a trip to Dire Dawa for two nights. We stayed at a nice hotel, soaked up a little African sun by the pool, ate yummy food, watched “Remember the Titans” and “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (strange combination I know.. but entertaining nonetheless) and then came home to Harar early yesterday morning. The team had already begun prayer together when we arrived… the perfect sound to come home to… shouts and cries in Holy Spirit! I’m excited for this new week!

The greatest people on the planet are living here at the base.. Maja, Kati, Phillip, Erik, Mohammed, Ashagre… Life’s Heroes!!!!!!

Maja in the walled city

Gorgeous Kati and the most precious boy

Erik and Phillip.. such big brothers to the nation of Ethiopia

My one and only…

Due to the lovely combination of gray clouds and water droplets, I’ve found myself obliged to study my Amheric as often as possible. The team has begun 3-4 months of language classes.. which upon completion.. will enable us to preach a basic salvation/baptism message and talk with people more sufficiently on the streets. I can’t wait! Pray for grace..

Feels more and more like I’m melting into this land and culture. Who knows.. maybe I’ll have a nice Ethiopian glow when I get back to America. That’s my prayer. To think, speak, walk and smell like the people groups we’re reaching out to here on Africa’s Horn.. while of course mirroring all I’ve seen in my Jesus.

Last night the Bibleschool students learned about evangelism with Mohammed while Ashagre taught a followup class of about 10 new believers down in the city. There is nothing like spending all your life on the work of the Kingdom! Maja and I will also be starting a new women's house church Saturday night!!!

This morning after Samuel led the team in an incredible time of prayer, we went out for a game of soccer.. despite Ashagre's viscious attempt to knock me out.. my team won!!! Woohoo! Life on Africa's Horn is the beeeest!

So.. as my body, speech and mind continues to melt into the Ethiopian way of life... my heart is melting as well. I'm utterly in love.

Miss you all in America and Sweden! Thank you for your prayers... you are treasures! Samuel and I love you with all our hearts!!!


  1. Gaby, I love your blog - good for Samuel that he got a little wet, ha ha! I love you guys!!! You're coming here with Samuel in January right? Can't wait... Lots of love, Martina
