Monday, June 20, 2011

My dad

I've been taking care of an old woman who has dementia the last few days.... Maria from Germany.... she's been cracking me up and keeping me busy! Otherwise, I got to spend some time with new island friends this weekend. I love hearing people's stories and hanging out in the sweet fellowship of Jesus -- which is essentially the same great experience no matter where you find it on the globe. That's one of the beauties of the body and family of Christ!

Today was the American "father's day". I just love days that are devoted to celebrating specific people. And really, I have the best dad there is :) Also, I realized last night that I'll be here for the 4th of July! A real American holiday! I don't remember the last time I had one of those!!!!

My dad:
mr. fix it (for absolutely anything)

Mom, Dad and Me! At church today - "Living Stones" sits right on the ocean!

Wish you could make out the shoes in this pic... they're mom's and I'm trying to convince her every day that she needs to donate them to my life. I found my red purse about 1o years ago at Goodwill for $1.50. It's the only one that's stayed with me all these years! Love it! The red top is from Istanbul where Samuel took me for my birthday this year!! Thanks love!