Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've been visiting Sweden for the last 3 summers and a few times in-between... but for the first time ever... I don't have a plane ticket telling me when I must leave again. I love the life of a God adventurer to the unreached people groups. That's all I know to do with myself. For me it's a wild, sometimes lonesome, stretching, messy, wonderful, Holy-Spirit-filled adventure. Being a God-adventurer many times also means being a nomad - and I love that! So even though Varberg has become my home town -- my blood is dancing around inside about the things that are to come! Here and beyond!

One thing that's very important to me, no matter where I'm staying, is to make it HOME. Since I was married in 2009 I've had 6 different homes in 3 different countries and a lot of hotels and guest bedrooms in between! In each place, we shoved the suitcases under the bed, cracked open a can of paint(or hung cloth on the wall if we weren't allowed to paint), taped a few photos on the walls, lit some candles... Wha-lah! Home. I guess it's all about the ambiance for me. But here we are making our home again... for now...

Our apartment is on the second floor. Behind that tree :)

Our first couch! From Second Chance(second-hand)!

Breakfast on the balcony this morning :) Sweet sunbeams.

City Market in the Center on Wednesdays and Saturdays...

Two cuties down the street who were selling hairclips and crafts...

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