Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cheering them on..

A.m.a.z.i.n.g week. Amazing. Pastor's conferences, festival meetings, thousands of souls brought to the kingdom of God, new friends, preaching, praying and little sleep!

Samuel preaching...

Me sharing about the bride of Christ....

The most beautiful people!!! Ahh!!!

I am blown away at the honor that the Indian people live by. Ive never experienced anything like it. I cant even remember how many flower necklaces Ive received... Crowns... Badges... Kind words... Hugs and kisses. (ive even given out autographs but i cant quite figure out why...) Yesterday we arrived at a remote village and were welcomed with dances and singing... And more glittery necklaces and badges :)

This photo was taken at the end of our featival night... Lines of people kept coming with flowers galore! I felt like a queen!

I cant help but think about how India is preparing the bride for Christs' coming too. This country holds millions upon millons of unreached... But it also holds several warrior/heros in the kingdom and Im so happy to be cheering them on!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Great news. Brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for being there and telling us about it. God bless you.
