Monday, December 19, 2011


SC -- no, not santa clause.... Sugar Cookies!!! This recipe was passed down from my Great Grandma.. (who is still making them herself!) They are the most delicious, scrumptious, delicate, gooey, not too sweet, little wonders of my childhood! We always ate them for breakfast on Christmas day :) Two years ago in Ethiopia... mom and dad actually mailed them to us! 40 of them! And my mom's are literally enormous. It took about 10 days for us to get them and they were packed so well that we were all able to eat them in the African heat through the holidays. 

This is the first time I've been able to whip up these little treats as a married woman. I was nervous... but I think they turned out swell... 

Do not ask for the recipe... In the words of my dad, you have to be married-in or born-in to get it! But if you are living in Sweden, you are more than welcome to stop by for a smaka :)

Merry Christmas week!

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